长江大学优秀国际新生展示(二)--Shadrack A. Takyi(加纳 油气储运工程 博士研究生)

作者: 时间:2021-05-06 点击数:

我叫Shadrack Takyi,来自加纳,现在是长江大学油气储运工程专业的一名博士新生。




I’m Shadrack Takyi, a Ghanaian, and a first-year Ph.D. student in the Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering at Yangtze University, Hubei.

So far, the online studies received have been promising. Lecturers actually take their time to teach well while ensuring nobody lags a concept and School of International Education responds swiftly, and keeps us updated on campus news. In addition to this, I have been warmly welcomed by my academic supervisor Prof. Yindi Zhang and the involvements with her have been remarkable. Thus, I am highly optimistic my entire Ph.D. study is going to be a successful one.

For now, I extremely look forward to being on campus where I can have extensive hands-on practice in my area of interest in pipeline transportation of sweet and heavy crude oils. I am quite certain it would be so much better there.

Also, I hope to share my future campus experience with everyone, and I believe that Yangtze University warmly welcomes excellent international students from all over the World.

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