Admission in the Program of Computer Science

作者: 时间:2022-06-09 点击数:

1. The Brief Introduction totheSchool of Computer Science

Theschoolof computer science of YangtzeUniversity was established in 2003. Theschoolnow has a master's degree authorization point in computer science and technology and a master's degree point in electronic information. Theschoolhas five undergraduate majors: Computer Science and Technology, Network Engineering, Software Engineering, Internet of Things Engineering and Information Security. Computer Science and Technology is the key subject (characteristic subject) in the 12th Five Year Plan of Hubei Province and the supporting subject of the characteristic subject group in the 14th Five Year Plan of Hubei Province; Computer Science and Technology, Network Engineering and Software Engineering are the first-class majors in Hubei Province; The Network Engineering teaching team is a provincial teaching team; The teaching and Research Office of Computer Science and Technology is a provincial grass-roots teaching organization.

Theschoolhas three research institutions, namely, the Institute of resource information application technology of YangtzeUniversity built with Beijing Jurassic Software Co., Ltd , the Institute of reservoir information of YangtzeUniversity and the Institute of logging technology jointly built with Jingpeng Software Group Co., Ltd. Theschoolhas a big data application technology research team, an Internet of things intelligent application technology team, a network security research team and a graphics and image technology research team. At present, there are 103 teaching staff in theschool, including 10 with senior titles and 42 with deputy senior titles; There are 25 doctoral teachers, 66 master's teachers and 5 doctoral students; There are 28 full-time masters tutors.

Theschoolhas two experimental centers jointly built by the central and local governments, including computer experimental teaching center and interactive multimedia experimental center, with Hardware Technology Laboratory, Embedded System Laboratory, Software Engineering Laboratory, Network Engineering Laboratory, Virtual Reality Laboratory, Mobile Internet Laboratory, Information Security Laboratory and Cloud Computing and Big Data Laboratory, which can meet the needs of teaching experiments, curriculum design Graduation design and other teaching requirements and the basic needs of teachers engaged in scientific research. Theschoolhas built an intelligent cluster computing platform and storage platform, and is building an artificial intelligence research, innovation and entrepreneurship platform with iFLYTEK. Through the construction of laboratory and discipline platform, theschoolhas formed distinctive research directions in computer detection and control, embedded system, database technology and application, big data and artificial intelligence, network technology and information security, petroleum application software development, reservoir and resource information processing.

2. Available Programs

Undergraduate program

Computer Science and Technology(4 years, taught in English)

Postgraduate programs

Computer Science and Technology(3years, taught in English)

Electronic Information(3years, taught in English)

3. Fee structure

Tuition fee CNY 20000/22000, accommodation fee CNY 2400, application fee CNY 800.

4. Scholarship

Tuition free for excellent applicants.

YU will evaluate all scholarship students' performanceeveryyear, which are based on students' comprehensive performance, including the results of final exams, students' involvement in campus activities, daily behaviors and so on.YU willcancelthescholarship, ifscholarship studentscould not meet the requirements.All scholarship studentsmust pass Chinese Language Proficiency Test HSK-4beforethegraduation.

5. Admission Procedure

First step

Study more about the school and the programs of YU.Get university and program information and read details in our website before starting your application. Make a decision on which program and which degree you are going to apply for.

Second step

Register in YU online application system. Upload necessary documents in YU online application system, including transcripts, application form(word format), passport, etc. All documents should be clear and colorful.

Third step

Get the admission notice.Get your admission notice within 7 days if application documents are qualifiedand applicants pass the interview.

Fourth step

Pay the fee. Complete the application fee CNY 800(non-refundable) in university bank account to keep you in the waiting list. Please send us the scanned copy of the receipt after payment.

Fifth step

Get the result. Usually it takes3-4weeks to get visa documents (jw202 form) from the government after Yangtze University gets your application fee in it bank account.

Sixth step

Prepare for your travel to China. If you get all visa documents, you can prepare your visa application and flight booking. Please inform the International Students Office the details of your flights 5 days before your departure to China.

PS: Due to the Covid-19, new students who are not in China will take part in online classes.

6. Deadline

August30, 2022

7. Contact Us

For more information, please feel free to contact YU Admission Office.

Tel: 0086 716 8060267


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