作者: 时间:2021-04-29 点击数:






2020-Ministry of Education “Outstanding International Students Studying in China” Scholarship


2019-The First Honor of Yangtze University Academic Scholarship(International Students)


He has won the Sixth Place of 4×400M(MAN) in Yangtze University sports meeting




我是Hanson Owusu Boakye,来自加纳。在中国学习两年了,目前就读于长江大学的土木工程专业。










“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”-Nelson Mandela.

I have always believed that quality education is the key that would unlock so many doors to success and quality living. Having this in mind, I always make the best out of every opportunity offered me to study. I am Hanson Owusu Boakye. I am a Ghanaian. I have been studying in China for two years. I am majoring in Civil Engineering in Yangtze University, Jingzhou-Hubei.

Since childhood, I always had interest in being an engineer. Maybe it was the boots and helmets they wore, I’m not really certain but I had a lot of admiration for the job. My parents like any other supporting parent, supported my childhood fantasies. Whenever it was career day in school, I dressed up as an engineer, with the boots and all. I was really excited. My dad filled our house library with interesting books on engineering and other architectural magazines to feed my curiosity. As I grew, I developed deeper interests in the field of study but I still did not know which aspect I would like to major in. In high school, I studied General Science with Technical Drawing so I would have a head start in the field of engineering. I also attended educational seminars on career training to learn more about the course. After high school, June 2018, I had a fair idea of the various fields I could venture. I was undecided between civil and electrical engineering. I applied to one of the prestigious universities in my country. They offered me admission to study electrical engineering. I was excited. I was to report to school in September 2018. A few weeks to the opening day, a friend of my family visited us, and had some exciting news. He informed us about an opportunity to study Civil Engineering at Yangtze University, China. My mum and I were happy about the news.

Why did I decide to study in China? That is a question most of my friends ask considering the fact that I could have decided to study electrical engineering back home. I chose civil engineering here because China is one of the leading countries with respect to infrastructural projects. Most of the best infrastructure in my country was done by Chinese companies. Who better to learn from than the Chinese? When I arrived in China I was both anxious and excited. I was ready to learn so much from my teachers and I also wanted to learn the Chinese language and culture. This was indeed a great opportunity!

“At its heart engineering is about using science to find creative practical solutions. It’s a noble profession”-Queen Elizabeth II.

After all the hustle and bustle at the airport and train station, I finally managed to arrive in school on my own. My course was to start in March so in the mean time I joined the Chinese language classes. I was a bit skeptical about the toughness of the language before coming to China so I made a mental note to really give it my all when I got the chance to study it. I enjoyed the classes and the interaction with the teachers. They were really helpful and encouraging. Soon, I was able to communicate easily with taxi drivers and store keepers in my day to day activities. I also made a number of friends during Chinese corner-a program organised by the school. After a few months, other students arrived in school as well and we were set to begin our course. The first year was a bit challenging because I was still adapting to the way of life here, socialization with my friends here and family and friends back at home as well as making time to study. I consulted other senior course mates and they helped me out. They helped me plan a flexible and effective timetable. I made sure to stick to it. I wanted to maintain my scholarship so I spent most of my leisure time studying or seeking explanations from my teachers and senior course mates. I like to work out at the school gym, sometimes play video games with friends or take a nap to release stress. I find that really helpful because I always have a clear head to study. I also make it a point to revise my notes or slides before the next class. I believe these habits have played a major role in my success.

I believe it is essential that I have a rich experience by the time I go back to Ghana. That is why I make sure to participate in other school activities like sports. I participated in the 400 meters race last summer . I was then elected to join the male 4x400 baton race. Even though we came sixth, it was a nice first experience for me. I also joined the football team to represent my country in the football league. We won and we were all given medals. During this period, I learnt the importance of team work. I also decided to take on more responsibility and that is how I am the acting class representative of my class.

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