
作者: 时间:2021-04-29 点击数:

What do your students say about YU

I’m Katherine Romero and my Chinese name is 凯瑟琳. I’m from Ecuador the country situated in South America. I am a Undergraduate student major in International Economy and Trade at Yangtze University.

This is my first time taking all my online classes. It is a big challenge and it’s not easy for international students who are living in different zones, but I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to study at YU. I think Yangtze University has a good teaching method and is the most suitable for my goal. Most of the classes are taught in English. There is no difficulty for me to understand.

On the other hand, studying in China will allow me to acquire some skills, which I can apply in the future to contribute to the development of my country. I hope to visit Jingzhou city soon, because I think it’s a beautiful ancient city and I will enjoy my student life there. I’ll definitely fall in love with this city.

I recommend you to study at YU because I consider that it’s a perfect place for studying and you will get more experience educationally.

I am grateful to the teachers from school of International Education because they are very friendly and helpful.

我叫Katherine Romero,我的中文名字叫凯瑟琳。我来自南美的厄瓜多尔,是长江大学国际经济与贸易专业的本科生。




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