长江大学优秀国际新生展示(六)--Alberta Quist (加纳 工商管理 硕士研究生)

作者: 时间:2021-06-08 点击数:

我的名字是Alberta Quist,来自加纳。是长江大学工商管理专业的一名硕士研究生新生。我一直对商业特别感兴趣,在长江大学学习的意义远大于实现了自己的梦想。长江大学是一座很好的大学,学校在各个领域都培养了许多的毕业生。相信将来在长江大学学成回国后,能为国家的变革和转型贡献出自己的力量。



My name is Alberta Quist from Ghana. I am a first year Master of Business Administration and Management Student at the prestigious Yangtze University. I have always had special interest in business study and having the opportunity to study this course with Yangtze University is more than a dream come true for me. Yangtze University is a good university in China which produces versatile graduates for every field of work you can imagine and I trust that I will be one of such versatile graduates who drive change and transformational activities in my community and country after this course.

Yangtze University has hospitable supervisors, lecturers and students who create a conducive learning environment for students from all over the world to enjoy their studies and to quickly learn diverse culture. I am taking my lectures online for now due to covid restrictions, but it feels so much like a presence-in-the-classroom lectures and I am enjoying it. The lecturers are friendly and patient, especially my supervisor Professor Qin Fabing. They seek to understand the level of absorption for every student and are always available to help till you understand what is being taught.

I will choose Yangtze over and over again anytime I have the opportunity to do so, because they have the perfect academic, social and cultural learning environment to enable me study and achieve my dream of becoming a Business Analyst and a change activist in my community and country. Why not choose Yangtze too! I know you will not regret it.

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